TMJ Treatments --
TMJ Syndrome (or TMD : Temporo-Mandibular Dysfunction) comes down to this: Your jaw muscles are too tight. Then come the common symptoms of TMJ Syndrome: jaw pain, ear pain, teeth grinding, TMJ headaches.
TMJ/TMD is simple: The clenching comes from the subconscious memory of pain: the pain of dental work or of an injury or blow to the jaw, from ingrained emotional stress (typically repressed anger), and/or from a whiplash injury of the neck. It may be some or all: memory-based conditioning of your brain and jaw muscles. TMJ treatment has evolved to address that conditioning; old treatment methods only sought to block its manifestations without correcting the conditioning problem. |
What has become conditioned can be re-conditioned (relatively rapidly) through training (but not through devices or massaging). I explain direct retraining, contrasted with indirect methods: a mouth guard (appliance/splint), dental surgery, or mouth massage -- here.
Choose from the topics at right.
In this write-up, which consists of the topics at right, you'll learn how TMJ Syndrome forms and how you can substantially improve or eliminate it in weeks. I'll explain both old and new methods of treatment and how you can get relief with the new approach detailed, here, either by yourself or with professional help (faster).
Due to the disparity between what I say and what dentists say about how long it will take to get relief, I ask you to refrain from forming an opinion until you have done the reading and tested the first exercise.
You are invited to see an explanation
of the somatic education exercises that correct TMJ Dysfunction ("TMD") Click here for the TMJ program. |
The Institute for Somatic Study and Development
+Lawrence Gold, C.H.S.E. | Publications | Credentials | Personal Page