The Inner and Outer Aspects of the TetraSeed

The four focal points of the TetraSeed, in its variations, are observable, replicatable, verifiable, testifiable focal points that have observable, replicatable, verifiable, testifiable psychoactive properties.

The psychoactive properties of the TetraSeed appear as an awakening of the different internal connections of oneself so they may be recognized and corrected, as native intelligence indicates on a focus-by-focus basis.

The word, “focus”, pertains to each of the step-elements that constitute the TetraSeed Transformation Procedures, e.g., “Intending | Intending Existence”.

Back to the psychoactive properties: the word, Transformational.

What is being transformed, and how so?

What’s being transformed is the activation-balance between the different focal points of the TetraSeed.

The Four Internal or Left Quadrant TetraSeed Mind Elements
(upper right image is The AQAL Matrix — Google-search the term.)

We tend, by our enculturation, to work at a more or less illumined or oblivious degree of development — mostly oblivious. Sometimes, the words,


by themselves, individually, and in relation to each other, seem somehow vague and obscure, not readily recognizable. This starting condition is a good one for demonstrating the potential for a person’s awakening of faculties by contemplating and applying the TetraSeed. Before that process of awakening, all manner of semi-conscious automatic conditioning simply runs the show, with the “monitoring self” wringing its hands over its own craziness.

The transformation consists of

  1. awakening and progressively steadying into focus these four focal/archetypes,
    and then 
  2. combining the focal/archetypes in every combination of twos and threes
    to awaken and enhance intelligence.

    It feels like an awakening.

  3. What happens is that submerged patternings of mind emerge in dreamlike perceptual experiences that one may recognize as ones own habitual dreamset of what life is remembered to be — and having recognized, adjust by mere feeling-intention. Many shifts occur.

What happens is a dissolving of semi-conscious and unconscious, automatic habits of mind by recognizing all things as made of the same “ground substance” — the congealing of attention on persistent objects with a location and a direction of change.

What happens is a shifting of tensions by a series of releases, a shifting that occurs merely by contemplating things in terms of The TetraSeed — attending to an object, remembering an object, intending the existence of an object, imagining an object — as taught in the various TetraSeed transformation procedures found under the search-term


In the illustration, “I-AM-I” symbolizes the emergence of all forms of experience from a uniform ground of being-consciousness.

At this point, further discussion depends on your having had experience working with the TetraSeed and TetraSeed Transformation Procedures. To try to understand without that experiential background risks brain-lock.

Having had such experience and found that the TetraSeed is indeed psychoactive, you (and I) may wonder:

What is the TetraSeed made of?
After all, it’s just seems to be a mental abstraction that somehow names what our mind is made of, but really — The TetraSeed actually functions, so what is its substance? its foundation?
Something somehow becomes the four-ness of the TetraSeed that functions the way it does. Or perhaps it isn’t something or anything until it appears as concrete expressions of the four elements of the TetraSeed. But a TetraSeed is made of it. What is THAT? It must always have existed and exist now and already, since it is apparently the substance and functioning of EVERYTHING.
The following news may help you with that contemplation.
Internal/Left Side Quadrants of the AQAL Matrix
External/Right Side Quadrants of the AQAL Matrix

Integration of the upper and lower elements produces a deepening of perception and brings background to the foreground for witnessing, melting and transformation — or burning.

The Gold Key Release
copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold
copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold
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The Quandary of Human Beings is One of Competence

Competence may be defined as “consistently getting the intended result”.

Indication of Incompetence: the saying, “The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions”.

Frankly, this statement is poorly conceived, poorly expressed, poorly understood.

First of all, “paved“?? Pavement is an invention for smoothing the way.

So, “Good intentions smooth the way to Hell”??

Right away, that is topsy-turvy (“everything reversed”) thinking; there’s something “off” about it. There must be an explanation that seems to make sense of it. Let’s try.

One might observe that, very often, despite good intentions, a hellish result ensues or follows. Little fires may spring up that seem to require your attention, time and energy.

A certain kind of thinking would then make the so-called, “a-priori error” — the notion that because one thing preceded another, it caused the other. (“Post-hoc, ergo, propter hoc.” — for all you lawyers) This is very primitive thinking probably characteristic of a three-year-old stage of mental development.

The error may be expressed, “My good intentions caused the Hellish Outcomes.”

It goes along with, “I caused that,” as in, “Wherever I walk, outside, the moon in the sky follows me.” It is a kind of egocentric thinking that acts as if everything that happens has to do with oneself.” — which, by the way, is a good way of defining the word, “narcissistic”. “I caused that and I’m involved with it.” It’s the hypnotic, mass trance that characterizes the bulk of human cultures.

A more mature stage of development recognizes that causality emanates from many places and from anyplace at a given time. One may receive the influences of life as well as influence life. This is called, “being sentient”, all you beings. This recognition allows for a relative degree of rest or ease in the midst of circumstances, and for a decrease of vigilance, in general. Hellish outcomes may seem to come Out of the Blue, but sometimes, not.

So, as a generality, “The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions” may seem to be true, some of the time, but it says nothing about the causal relation of the good intentions to the Hellish Experience.

Back to, “The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions.”

Where’s the next weak point?

It’s the inherent, “I can’t help it,” of the saying. “No matter what we do, things turn out badly.” Has to be that. After all, good intentions are all about “helping it”, and if they end up under our feet, our “hero” has failed. (Heros are all about “shared good intentions”, good intentions shared between and among us. A hero is a champion of our good intentions. In this anti-hero culture, villains are called, or positioned as, heros. This is an Orwellian perversity.) For all of these reasons, “I can’t help it,” is a common pose. It’s the pose of “excused resignation”, excused mediocrity. “I can’t help it,” sets the stage for incompetence.

So, “mediocrity and incompetence, I can’t help it,” are the sagacious meaning of the saying, “The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions.” How sagacious?

Here’s another meaning:

Creative movement in any direction creates a contrast with our memory of the state of things. Contrast intensifies experience. You go for the right and you perceive everything that’s in the way of things going right; you perceive everything that’s wrong. (Let’s not get captived by the wimpy argument that, “there is no real right or wrong; everything’s relative”. Not altogether true.) Everything that’s organized for an outcome different from the one we intend (including our own automatic reactions and emotional conditioning) we experience as unwelcome, as friction, as opposition, as frustration. There’s both an external and an internal burn.

The contrast-burn may be a hellish experience.

So, the saying, “The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions,” is incomplete, in itself, and therefore, misleading. Another line is needed: “When you are going through hell, keep going.” (Winston Churchill) His saying implies emergence out of hell. It completely changes the thrust of the saying.

The thrust of this saying, when understood this way, points to increasingly higher degrees of competence paid for by an ordeal of transformation (the contrast-burn). I can help it if I persist, learn, remember, attend to it, and stay purposefully intent — in short, evolve awake) — that’s one part — and, with that, also recognize that I am working against forces that may make things rather unpleasant, especially if I fail to groom myself regularly of those befouling effects.

Thus, the deck is stacked against the evolution of humanity by our own aversion to the burn of transformation. The burn of transformation is the price paid for competence and superior competence. Thus, the expressions, “taking pains,” and “paying the price” or “paying ones dues”. The only ones willing to experience that are those with a compelling creative drive; the rest cower — or oppose.

The Gold Key Release
copyright 2017 Lawrence Gold

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A Vignette in the Spirit of Thomas Hanna

A Vignette in the Spirit of Thomas Hanna
for those who recognize his voice in writing
and a point of interest to those who don’t …

The Wave 1 training was held in a large, carpeted lounge room on the
campus of Dominican College, in San Rafael, California. The walls of
the room were lined on three sides with lounge chairs. A low, padded
“Feldenkrais” table stood at the center, a low, four-legged stool, next
to it. The stool had a circular cushion on it that always made the sound of escaping gas as one sat down on it. That was Dr. Hanna’s stool.,.tweaked.mp3
Into that room, at the far end from the door, near the wall, to the
left of the rolling blackboard, Dr. Hanna (everyone else called him,
Tom) had placed a stand from which dangled, suspended by a short chain, a
human skeleton, who, he told us, was named, Darwin.

It happened
that on the fourth of July, that summer, as we filed into the room for
the beginning of the days training, we noticed something different about
Darwin. There, at the far end of the room, next to the rolling
blackboard, Darwin wore about his shoulders, an American flag.

Thomas Hanna was the first developer of the form of clinical somatic education known as, Hanna Somatic Education — and, a total rascal. He was known for once having had dinner guests wait for dinner until midnight, while he played the guitar and sang — only for the chili con carne to be too hot to eat.

More written about Thomas Hanna in, A Paean to Thomas Hanna
by the same author.

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