Why I Like the Program, Comforting Your S-I Joints — and Enjoy My Work

Facebook: Lawrence.Gold.Somatics | 505 819-0858
CONTACT: https://somatics.com/wordpress/contact

Sacroiliitis (sacro-iliac joint dysfunction) CAN be cleared up without surgery, RFA (nerve ablation), drugs or (yes, get this:) manipulation.

A completely different approach (clinical somatic education, using the L.E.A.R.N. sequence of self-rehabilitation) uses the muscular system, itself, to cause the pelvis to reshape and the sacrum to center, taking pressure or strain off the S-I joints. Learn more at the page linked, above.

the program: http://somatics.com/page7-S-I.htm
the explanation: http://lawrencegoldsomatics.blogspot.com/2011/04/understanding-sacro-iliac-joints.html

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care
#somatic education
#intelligent-self empowerment
#personal development

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