The Inside of SuperPandiculation | Evolutionary Integration (?)

The SuperPandiculation Technique
when applied within oneself
either in somatic education exercises
or in The Gold Key Release
or Memory-Matrix Integration Ritual
invokes or makes possible
a series of internally generated
awakenings, releases and self-corrections.

When applied in highly integrative movements
of some intricacy
(as in The Five-Pointed Star series or the simple, Gentle Spine Waves (video))
SuperPandiculation leads to a series of extraordinarily deep releases and self-corrections that together integrate into a pattern of greater integrity,
one with more and greater degrees of freedom.

That means, when we function, more of our resources are available
and new resources, new intelligence
so we function better.

The SuperPandiculation Technique
is otherwise known as
The Diamond Penetration Pandiculation Technique
because it penetrates through thick, dense
Sensory-Motor Amnesia and Sensory-Motor Obliviousness
the way a diamond drill bit penetrates through rock.

Sensory-Montor Amnesia
and Sensory-Motor Obliviousness are
in a broader and more basic sense
Attentional-Intenational Amnesia
and Attentional-Intentional Obliviousness

sensory | attention
motor | intention

| broken, shaky, or compromised integrity |
a gap or weakening of integrity
~~ or ~~
obliviousness | immature development 
or unrecognized/undeveloped integrity potential.

It takes some intensity of attention to relink
or link for the first time
the intensity of a sensation
with the sense of 
being able to remember / imagine it accurately.
But that is exactly what must be done to come free —
to shift from automaticity (sub-cortical brain automated memory)
to intelligent control (higher-cortical intention supported by sub-cortical memory).

That’s why use The SuperPandiculation Technique:
By boosting the power of attention,
it boosts the power of intention.
It’s a Drill.  It’s a Drill.  It’s The Drill.
AND, this drill is your drill,
this Diamond Penetration Pandiculation technique.

When the intensity of imagining an experience intentionally
equals or exceeds
the intensity of experiencing the experience on automatic
. . . . .
when the two intensities match
and the two “experiencings” (actual and imagined)  match

then release occurs
as a merging, melting and reshaping that
triggers and wildly deepens
the the depth of release of the action
(of the pandicular movement),
culminating in a profound and moving release,
a re-arranging of oneself, wriggling and squirming,
or just lengthening, straightening, or untwisting,
in ways progressively more free of the old pattern
or to the degree of negligible or undetectable intensity
—  more free, altogether.

Meaning . . . . .
it’s a big change.
One prepares for it in minutes,
it occurs in seconds,
and one doesn’t tend to revert
to the old pattern,
so far away from it one is.

The changes, it seems
are cumulative,
each seeming to pick up
where the last left off.

I do believe that’s called
“evolutionary integration.”

All You Proto-Mutants, 
Out There . . . . .*

I’m Drilling for Gold!
evolutionary integration

* Read Bodies in Revolt, by Thomas Hanna
how human-made changes of the world in which humans live have fostered the development of human proto-mutants, who in turn change the world 

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Freeing Tight Hamstrings, advanced

Know about somatic education exercises?

key points for correct practice of the more-advanced movement:

basic form of the movement (easier):

Without stretching, this maneuver creates brain-level changes that free tight hamstrings.  A second exercise stabilizes the improvement.

Read and Understand:

Get more: ending back pain, free tight psoas muscles, better sleep:

Introduction for the Free Your Hamstrings instructional video.  Somatic exercises free muscles by retraining movement/muscle-memory (brain-level control) — results come from the effect the sensations of movement have on the brain’s memory of sensation and movement.  The memory of sensations and movements (including those of injury and/or distress) conditions muscular tension patterns (“muscle memory”).

Article, How Free Hamstrings Support Healthy Knees and a Better Way to Free Them |

Prepare with the somatic exercises,
1. Calf Stretch Replacement Better Foot Strike:

2. Lesson 1 from Disproving the Myth of Aging (to free the back muscles):

Follow with Module 3b from Free Yourself from Back Pain, The Dog Stretch:

Part of the upcoming program, Comfort Your S-I Joints and Eliminate Mysterious Body Pains

Tight hamstrings are more than tight hamstrings.  Usually, they are also tight back muscles.  Both places are part of the same action pattern — having to do with walking.

However, sitting is also involved.  Tight hamstrings pull your bottom out from under, forward, making it necessary to use your back and your psoas muscles to sit more erect.  Fatigue and soreness follow.

Cyclists get tight hamstrings, hip joint muscles, and psoas muscles from using toe-clips and then pulling backward and forward (in addition to the usual up-and-down movements).

See for a useful article and a second hamstring exercise video. || related article:  “Power Stretching” — different from what you already know |

Free the back muscles with The Cat Stretch Exercises (no cat required – or stretching, either — find out how). |

Full article on tight back/back pain |

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care

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Gentle Spine Waves with Diamond Penetration Rhythms | Relax Spinal Muscles and Elongate Your Spine

Use of the Gentle Spine Waves movement | | to demonstrate how the Diamond Penetration Rhythms can be applied to individual movement elements of a somatic education exercise.

The Diamond Penetration Technique | | uses movement, sensory awareness, attention and intention to uncover the level of self-control at which deeply-seated involuntary muscular contraction patterns can be changed to improve posture and free movement.

Limitations to movement of which one is unaware, but whose consequences one feels, change.

One then recognizes the predicament one was in — after one is no longer in it.

The focus of this somatic education exercise is the lumbo-sacral junction — the low back where lumbar spine meets the pelvis at the sacrum.

Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care

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Comforting Your S-I Joints | from Unit 1 Determining Sacral Position

Sacro-iliac joint pain can be understood as a case of “broken pelvis” — in which the “break” occurs at the three major joints (syndesmoses) of the pelvis: at the pubic bone (pubic symphysis) and the two sacro-iliac joints. The break consists not of a fracture of bone, but as a displacement (misalignment) of the bones and as a strain at the joints.

My hypothesis, which fits experience, is that with displacement comes distortion of pelvic shape, registered as ligamentous strains within the pelvis that, when sensed by the brain, triggers muscular spasms not just in the pelvis, but as far-away as the neck and jaws.
The first step to correct S-I joint pain is to determine the misalignment. Two two major possibilities are a rotation and a displacement of one side downward; they generally occur together.

This tutorial clip shows what to look for to determine what the displacement is.

Full regimen: click here

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Dog Stretch with sit down

In the arching (“cat”) phase of the movement, you push your feet against the surface.
Clinical Somatic Education | a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care

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Improving Balance, instruction | from The Magic of Somatics

This exercise integrates the inner line of one thigh with the opposite side waist. This integration improves balance and coordination, walking by better-coordinating side-to-side movements in standing and walking.

Useful to reach the obturator internus muscle of the groin.

The Magic of Somatics | somatic exercises for physical prowess |


Clinical Somatic Education
a New Discipline in the Field of Health Care
more movements:

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Free Tight Thigh Adductors | somatic education exercise | Lawrence Gold Somatics

For relieving spasms in the inner thighs and increasing freedom to spread the legs or turn the feet “toes outward” — for better balance and freedom of movement and reduction of anxiety.

People stuck in Startle Reflex | see | have tight inner-thigh muscles. Attempts to stretch produce mediocre results; however, this somatic education exercise awakens control of those muscles to be able to relax them without having to stretch them, so they are free to attain their full resting length.

Startle Reflex is an involuntary muscular action pattern that occurs in fear or anxiety. Persistence in these emotional states causes Startle Reflex habit-formation that, in turn, anchors the sensations of fear/anxiety even after the situation has passed. So, it’s helpful, particularly when dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), to dissolve the grip of this reflex pattern so one can move on.

More somatic education exercises exist at the following address:
For a general program including exercises that free you from Startle Reflex, visit:
Free Tight Inner-Thigh Muscles

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An Identity Crystallization – deCrystallized | | Somatic Dorje

In the act of war
there are two sides
brought into existence
by dividing the One.

Though their physical expressions may be different,
though their behaviors may be different,
the field-of-sentience in which they co-exist
is one and continuous
resonant in both of them

the difference being . . . . .

that one side expresses or manifests
what is in the field-of-sentience
and the other side represses it, so as not to express it.

That is the tension between them.

The one who represses it in self
also represses it in others
and so makes war upon them.

The one who expresses it
also encourages its expression in others
who are either encouraged
or feel coerced.

Making war, coercion
and encouragement —
a fierce dynamic
made livable
by temperance

where temperance is

for all viewpoints
to meet with all other viewpoints
and for all viewpoints
to meet with their opposites

in an alchemy

that dissolves the bonds of rigidity
by inducing motion and integration
toward new equilibrium.

It is a crystaline structure
if not, “the” crystalline structure,
of The Middle Way.

It is a dorje,
in its power.

It is The Gold Key Release.

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