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Body Meditations
Mindful Movement Meditations that Rapidly Improve Mind-Body Integration for Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Development Hanna Somatics Gold™ by Lawrence Gold |
The path of meditation is a path of increasing awareness and freedom. Because body and mind are interrelated, this program illuminates the deep unconsciousness of held stress patterns in the body, and thereby aids the recognition and release of those stress patterns. Aids the disposition of higher mind, the mind of Equanimity and Witnessing. As you enter more fully into incarnation as the feeling, moving body, you put yourself together better and relax more deeply and completely. This feeling of being better put together creates a contrast with your usual state, allowing perception of habitual stress patterns in the emotional body. When you become active, again, you'll find that your mind functions at a higher level of organization -- which feels like refreshment, new clarity of thought, new kinds of thoughts, and new creative perspectives on problems. These benefits are cumulative effects (not necessarily instant effects) of doing the exercises in this book. However, the physical refreshment is an instant effect of the exercises. People in psychotherapy will find that this program speeds and deepens their process. See these articles for discussions of the mind-body connection:
ATTENTION: Get this book or The Magic of Somatics, but not both.
e-BOOK: ECONOMIC HARD TIMES SPECIAL $29.00 (Item #113) See the ITEM DESCRIPTION on your eReceipt for . For preview, click here . |
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The Institute for Somatic Study and Development
Lawrence Gold, C.H.S.E. Publications | Credentials | Personal Page Telephone 505 819-0858 | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY POLICY | CONTACT: ![]() |
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