![]() Hanna Somatic Education®
Hanna Somatics GoldTM
Hanna somatic education® ("Hanna Somatics") is a way of rapidly and reliably getting lasting relief from lingering imjuries (chronic, non-malignant musculo-skeletal pain) and stress-related disorders (such as headaches). "Rapidly" means, generally, in a period of hours or weeks, rather than months or years. "Reliably" means consistently, with a success rate in the range of 90 - 99%. Thomas Hanna used the term, "sure fire." I have found his words to be so. "Lasting" means that you can do any activity (barring violent ones) without likelihood of re-injury. Hanna somatic education corrects the muscle-movement memory patterns of injury and stress. Functional improvements rapidly ensue. Pain fades out and freedom of movement improves (generally to better than pre-injury levels), during clinical sessions or practice of somatic education exercises. The Professional Practitioner TrainingBasic training consists of five elements that enable you to operate intelligently from the perspective of somatic education."Intelligently" means you understand what's going on that generates symptoms of dysfunction, you know what you need to do, you know how to do it, you do it, and you get the intended results. "The perspective of somatic education" means understanding both the internal experiences and the external conditions that shape a life. The somatic perspective vastly simplifies and makes comprehensible both healthy development and unhealthy developments (pathology). More than once, Thomas Hanna said to us, his students-in-training, "Never tolerate a mystery," -- meaning, not to guess, but to arrive at an understanding of what was before us before taking action. To quote Thomas Hanna: "An authentic clinical somatic educator is one who so clearly sees what is the case that he can predict with accuracy the overcoming of a specific malady. The clarity and predictive certainty of Hanna Somatic Education are the qualities needed in a clinical modality in order to stand the test of scientific scrutiny and verification. It is what is necessary if we are to have a clinical modality that will solve widespread problems of human suffering that are clearly not being taken care of through medical and other therapeutic means. It is what is necessary if we are to begin constructing a positive science of human health and autonomy." The Five Elements
Every training day incorporates all five elements. Functional AssessmentThis is the all-important first step that tells us what a client needs, what we need to do, and how many sessions it will take to do it (to a high degree of accuracy).In functional assessment, three forms of information converge to a single understanding of what's going on.
What makes Functional Assessment possible -- and makes it possible to bring coherence out of the confusion practitioners of other disciplines may feel when confronted with a pile of seemingly unrelated symptoms -- is Somatic Theory. Somatic Theory integrates multiple forms of information into a coherent, self-consistent whole. Somatic TheorySomatic Theory brings both conventional and "alternative" therapeutics down to earth, linking "the world of ideas" with "the world of experience". Somatic Theory makes sense of both symptoms and their origins. It also explains people's typical experience of therapy and the different quality of experience they have with clinical somatic education.You'll find that Somatic Theory simplifies and clarifies both understanding and course of action. Unlike academic study, which often involves laborious memorization of concepts, Somatic Theory describes and explains your familiar experience of yourself-in-life. Instead of being left with a mass of ideas, you're brought to a new, sensible, both-verbal-and-non-verbal understanding. That understanding gives you clarity about what's in front of you, in your practice. The most common comment about the kind of understanding that Somatic Theory brings (embodied in articles I have written on various clinical conditions) is, "It makes sense." Thomas Hanna presents that theory concisely in the "Clinical Somatic Education . . ." article and in more detail in his book, Somatics | ReAwakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility and Health, a well-written, enjoyable, informative and practical book written for the general public (pre-requisite reading for candidates for training). Thomas Hanna wrote engagingly and beautifully. I liked it and feel that you'll like it, too. Somatic Theory includes
Somatology | Study of the Nature of Self-and-OtherSomatology is "study of the self" that enables us to understand others.In Somatology, you learn about universal features of living beings, about the four basic features of being alive at the core of all living beings and how they shape your life experience. You learn procedures that sharpen your intelligence, improve your creative abilities, and bring about a rise of personal competence in both broad and specific ways that change the flavor of your life.
What distinguishes this training from other professional trainings is operational integration of your faculties of intelligence. This integration is basically simple, and yet, comprehensive. It's a major advance of somatic education beyond clinical somatic education. Hands-on Techniques of Clinical Somatic EducationClinical somatic education consists of three basic techniques discussed in Thomas Hanna's definitive article, "Clinical Somatic Education: A New Discipline in the Field of Health Care".
Through my demonstration and your practice, you learn the protocols (structured lessons) of Hanna somatic education and experience the benefits of increased comfort and improved function. My own sciatica disappeared one afternoon, during my training in 1990. The techniques of somatic education relieve the frustration of slow progress often encountered by practitioners of standard therapeutics confronted with a patchwork of slowly changing and seemingly unrelated symptoms. Think, "nearly instant gratification". Somatic Kinesiology
"Somatic" refers to "the body experienced and controlled from within."
Somatic Kinesiology is different from "applied kinesiology", a diagnostic technique also known as "muscle testing." Somatic Kinesiology develops sensory awareness and motor (movement) control through somatic education exercises. It develops "proprioceptive literacy" -- the ability to feel and control movement and the ability to change habitual patterns. It develops finer balance and coordination. It also opens the way to the ability to feel intuitively (vs. merely understand mentally) what your somatic education clients are experiencing and going through. Training FormatWe conduct training in modules of two weeks, five days a week, full-time: three days on, one day off, two days on, one day off, to allow absorption and to minimize information overload.Eight training modules, conducted in three sessions, yearly, consist of: The Three Neuromuscular Reflexes of Stress, as explained by Thomas Hanna in his book, Somatics: ReAwakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility and Health
"Basically proficient" means that you remember how to do a lesson protocol and rarely need to consult notes to conduct it. To be basically proficient, with few or no outstanding questions from previous modules (should have been brought up and answered in the between-module period), keeps your attention clear and receptive for new instruction. We do frequent question:answer sessions, to that end. I require all students to have liability insurance for students, available through the Association for Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) for a nominal fee. This coverage applies both to training periods with me and to the periods between training modules. Daily FormatBy enrolling, you agree to punctual attendance every day, at all designated hours, as every student depends upon other students' presence. Absences due to emergencies or unexpected and unavoidable situations are understandable. Casual absences and/or excessive tardiness are cause for measures that may include dismissal without refund. I want the integrity of this training to provide a good experience for my students.
Each day consists of all five elements with periodic breaks and question-and-answer sessions throughout the day and a lunch period of an hour-and-a-half.
Periodic written examinations assure that you have internalized information and instruction. These examinations are "instructional devices" in service to 100% learning, rather than "examinations for a grade". CERTIFICATIONYou earn your Certificate of Completion and graduate upon demonstration of your understanding of and adequate proficiency in all modules and elements, based upon examinations and feedback by co-students who have experienced your somatic education work. We use feedback for continued instruction to-the-degree of adequate proficiency.As a condition of enrollment, you accept that you may or may not qualify for a Certificate of Completion based upon your knowledge and proficiency at the completion of the last training module and that your only recourse is to qualify for certification. Understand that it is my preference that everyone qualify for certification. I want my students to win. Students-in-Training may represent themselves as "students-in-training", only. Graduates may represent themselves as "Clinical Somatic Educators in the Tradition of Thomas Hanna". I do not confer the right to use the terms, "Hanna Somatic Educator®" or "Hanna Somatic Education®", as these terms legally belong to Eleanor Criswell Hanna, inheritor of the service marks registered by Thomas Hanna/The Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training. (In twenty-five years of practice, the issue of my own certification has never been raised -- and I do hold certification as a Hanna somatic educator.) The Setting
Students practice on a carpeted surface or, if if you have brought a work-table (minimum 33" width recommended) on a table at about knee height.
For lecture/conversation sessions, students gather chairs in a semi-circle around a work table and stool, where I demonstrate, listen to comments, and answer questions. Students use a mirror in the room for "Body-Image Training" (as described in the book, Somatics). As a group with each person taking individual responsibility, we leave the training room clean and free of personal belongings at the end of each day. Part or all of the training may be recorded for student use or publication; participation implies consent and permission of use without limitation or compensation.
Preparation / Pre-requisites
Click the button, below, for the printable/mailable application form. OR -------- Click the button, below, for the on-line, instant application form. Please if you complete the application form on-line (a convenience for you with that responsibility). Please continue below or at right.
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Lawrence Gold
One-Payment Tuition OptionTuition payment due six weeks before the announced training date, autumn, 2018, exact date TBA.$13,667.00, total*, for eight-module training:
*includes $600.00 conditionally-refundable Application Fee
![]() Tuition pays for eight modules over three years consisting of the entire training in the three basic protocols of Hanna somatic education®, including supplementary instruction, advanced protocols, and ongoing mentoring via Google Hangouts and a Facebook group for students-in-training and graduates.Enroll promptly to secure your place.NOTE: $300.00 discount for tuition payment by check or bank transfer. Early-Bird Tuition$11,667.00 ($2,000.00 discount) payable by 8/1/2018:
*includes $600.00 conditionally-refundable Application Fee
Two-Payment Tuition OptionFirst tuition payment due, at latest, six weeks before the announced training date, autumn, 2018, exact date TBA.Two payments of $7,333.00 billed yearly; $14,666.00, total*, for eight-module training scheduled to start:*includes $600.00 conditionally-refundable Application Fee
To get the flavor of training, view the video segment, below.
Lawrence Gold served for two years as an instructor for The Novato Institute for Somatic Research and Training
Next training: autumn, 2018 | 1st module, 10 training days | practice before next semester, 4 months
The Institute for Somatic Study and Development
Herrada Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508 Lawrence Gold, certified Hanna somatic educator | credentials
Telephone 505 819-0858 | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY POLICY | CONTACT: |