PTSD and Somatic Education

I have been compiling a resource list for PTSD [Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder] and related trauma practitioners specifically around the Somatic Experiencing methods pioneered by Peter Levine. Since you have been working with Lawrence Gold’s “Somatic Education”, I’d like to know if, in your opinion, his methodology is effective for treating emotional trauma or is it targeting only physical pain relief?

The therapeutic categories can be confusing: Somatic Bodywork, Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Education, etc. The dictionary definition of “somatic” isn’t specific enough as applied to therapy:

1: of, relating to, or affecting the body especially as distinguished from the germplasm or the psyche
2: of or relating to the wall of the body : parietal

OK.  To start, the dictionary definition represents a reduced definition of the term, somatic, which has been “co-opted” by the medical profession, which deals (at least in its mainstream form) exclusively with a mechanistic, non-feeling view of the body, and so has a highly limited understanding of stress and only rudimentary capacity to deal with it (primarily through drugs with daunting side-effects).

In that view, “mind” is different from, separate from, and somehow “within” the body.  Orthodox Western medicine does not consider mind significant with regard to healing. The field of psycho-neuro-immunology is an exception — but then, again, psycho-neuro-immunology isn’t “mainstream”.

The word, “soma” — derived from the Greek — means “living, self-aware person”.  The word, “soma”, has a more expanded meaning — any “sentient being” that directs attention (through sensing), exercises intention (as movement), and has memory (genetic persistence — via DNA — and self-originated behavior — higher life-forms also have imagination and some degree awareness of their/our internal state).

Clinical somatic education, as I practice it, deals with the memory imprints of stress and trauma, as expressed through the flesh-body’s physiological conditioning and behavior.  It’s psychophysical.

However, in my experience and observation, emotional memory imprints are usually best addressed on their own terms.  “Bodywork” and sensory-motor somatic education can’t adequately substitute, although they can support and provide a “reserve” or “cushion” of resiliency.

I have experienced Peter Levine’s earlier work (with Peter) and found the effect temporary (it seems, because it was physiologically-based).

That said, I have developed techniques that can directly address emotional memory imprints during sessions of clinical somatic education, integrated seamlessly into the techniques.

In my view, the domain of somatics includes the full range of attention and experience availble to living beings, in all domains.  However, in my experience, techniques based upon somatic principles must be must be adapted for and applied to different “levels” of the being.  The principles of somatic education lend themselves to the development and implementation of such techniques and they are effective.

That said, since PTSD, by definition involves trauma (physical or emotional), it also involves the reflexes of stress associated with trauma:  the Trauma Reflex (cringe response in response to pain, only not momentary but chronic) and the Startle Reflex (the shrinking-into-oneself response of fear and anxiety — again not momentary, but chronic).

The three basic clinical sessions of Hanna somatic education directly address those reflexes of stress.  In some cases, the Startle Reflex session is sufficient to pop a person out of the grip of PTSD.  I’ve had that happen with a client of mine.  The memories remain, but without the gripping intensity (called, “charge” by those practicing Reichian and neo-Reichian somatic education, such as Somatic Experiencing).

In more deeply ingrained PTSD (e.g., soldiers returning from combat), a psychological approch that uses somatic principles, combined with clinical somatic education, is highly desirable, explained in the articles, below.

Thank you for you encompassing answer. I myself feel that it can support people suffering from PSD and other traumas.

Psychotherapy and Integral Somatic Education
Beyond the Three Reflexes of Stress

practical action:
The Cat Stretch Exercises
Calmly Energizing:  Somatic Breathing Training to Reduce Stress

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Mainstreaming Hanna Somatic Education, part 4 | The Inevitable

The Inevitable

The Association for Hanna Somatic Education is the organization formally responsible for mainstreaming Hanna Somatic Education.  How is it doing?

There is no Association for Hanna Somatic Education “out there”.  The Association has its home in and as we, ourselves.


To “mainstream” somatics, we need four “potencies”*:

  1. integrity
  2. relationships
  3. communication that inspires people’s sense that something is possible and do-able
  4. persistent action (attention and intention)

First potency:  integrity
Integrity isn’t honesty.  Integrity is stable wholeness and completeness — what makes a collection of parts into something organized that produces an intended result.  When we have integrity, we are pleased to be seen.  We’re “playing with a full deck” — complete, competent, proficient.  We have the fortitude to be honest. Without integrity, we’re too shaky to be honest, particularly where it counts — in cleaning up messes and dysfunctional situations — and we’re incapable of living up to our promises.  Integrity is an essential principle that allows something to live.

Integrity is the nature of the second potency:

Second potency:  relationships
We operate as relationships of all sorts.  We connect. We cooperate. We get results. We share the benefits.

Relationships are resources. Relationships are the recipients of our gifts and abilities.  Until we forge and activate relationships, we’re left only with our own resources and stay small.

Relationships are the setting for the third potency:

Third potency:  communication of the advantageous possibilities
Communication isn’t, “talking to people.”  Talking isn’t communication.  Communication happens when someone internalizes what we mean to put across — and when we internalize what someone else puts across.  Communication is the outer form of the intentions we are exercising.

When we’re in communication, people:

  • Trust our integrity — so they listen and internalize
  • Treat the advantageous possibilities we’re talking about as something new and unique — so they listen with fresh attention, rather than pigeon-hole what we say with what they already know.  (“Is it like chiropractic?”…)
  • Feel these new possibilities as something they can partake in.
  • Recognize and be inspired (so they are drawn into enthusiastic action).

When others communicate with us, we experience the magic of another viewpoint that may alter and expand our own viewpoint and our potency for change.

Communication is the feedback look that connects us in the fourth potency:

Fourth potency:  persistent action (directed attention and exercise of intention)
That means, do what Thomas Hanna personally told me to do, “Be relentless.”

“Relentlessnes” may mean, to communicate relentlessly until we get the desired result; to develop relentlessly so we can walk our talk (be the result we promise to others) and deliver results to others; to take steps to “mainstream” somatics (the proper mission of the AHSE) until it happens; to “Keep our eyes on the prize”, taking whatever steps necessary to stay on or to get back on track.

So, to have a chance to succeed, we need to enhance and exercise our integrity (both individually and as a group), connect, communicate and persistently take action — relentlessly, in mood of, “success is the only acceptable outcome.

How does that feel?

Here’s the juicy part:  As we further our purpose, the energy we get back fuels us.

What We Can Do

  1. Discover and enhance our power by finding (creating) these four potencies in ourselves.
  2. Discover the resources we have to tap into the juicy flow that allows Somatics to tap into the world-culture — the five cultural streams, our own clients, our own abilities.
  3. Communicate

* credit to The Landmark Forum-in-Action Seminar

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Ticklishness and The Trauma Reflex | Clinical Assessment

Remember a time when someone tickled you.

You wriggled and squirmed all over the place, didn’t you?

Remember a time when you got hurt.

You tightened up and pulled in the injured place, didn’t you?

The two actions are related and very similar.

Very often, an injury leads to a long-term muscular contraction action.  People think it’s only momentary, as in limping when you sprained an ankle or as in pulling your hand back when inadvertently touching something hot.

But everyone’s familiar with the lasting change of movement an injury can provoke, the limp that never goes away, the postural change that occurs after a whiplash injury.

Physical therapists do their best to eliminate those after-effects, but they tend to persist, anyway.  One reason is that medical practitioners tend to focus on the site of pain or restriction, without taking whole-body patterns of contraction into account. Without dealing with the entire pattern, the parts of the pattern
left untouched by therapy tend to re-create the entire pattern.  That’s
why therapy so often fails to produce a complete result or takes a long time.

When a somatic educator works with such muscular tension patterns, we look beyond the site of pain; we look to the whole contraction pattern, which spreads out from the site of pain the way the fracture lines of a damaged window spread out from the center of damage.

The quandary therapists (and somatic educators) face is, “How do we identify the entire pattern?”

One common way used by somatic educators and therapists to assess patterns of injury is to listen to the client/patient’s report of pain and to correlate it with the report of injury.  They may (and should) go further:  to watch the client/patient walk and otherwise move, to examine by touch (palpation), and to move the client/patient passively to discern restrictions to movement — all useful.

However, there is an assessment technique that goes beyond palpation:  to observe he client’s response to being touched, namely, to wriggle and squirm.

Even with sensitive palpation, touch elicits that response.

It’s very revealing — because the way someone wriggles exactly reveals his pattern of trauma reflex.

Thomas Hanna outlined what I call, The Spectrum of Reaction, in response to touch (found in The Handbook of Assisted Pandiculation, available to Hanna somatic education practitioners). 

It goes like this.

  1. ticklishness without pain
  2. pain upon being touched
  3. intermittent pain without being touched
  4. ongoing soreness
  5. spasm 

If a person is ticklish, he is contracted (tight) at (and around) the site of ticklishness.  You can’t tickle a person who’s relaxed.  There’s no “tickle” there.

If a person is sufficiently contracted, muscles are fatigued but below the threshold of pain, and mere touch is sufficient to surface them above the threshold of pain.

If a person is more contracted, muscles are fatigued but below the threshold of pain, and mere movement using those muscles is sufficient to fatigue them enough that they hurt.  Since movement is intermittent, pain is intermittent.

If a person is yet more contracted, muscles are sufficiently fatigued to be sore all the time.

And if a person is yet more contracted, muscles are sufficiently sore to trigger a cringe response, which tightens the muscles further, makes them burn more, triggers an even heavier cringe response and the person goes into spasm.

Touch at even the “ticklish” level of contraction is sufficient to trigger the cringe response which, known by another name, is The Trauma Reflex.  At that level, it may not hurt, but the protective movement action is there, the very action that, like the fracture lines of a broken window, spreads out in a pattern from the site of injury.

In assessment, we can use the “tickle response” to show us that pattern.

Therapists may use that information to address the complete pattern using whatever modalities they choose.

Somatic educators may use that information to coach the client to contract in that pattern, deliberately, as part of a pandicular maneuver — the “omni-yawn” we use to free a person from the grip of muscular contractions maintained by muscle/movement memory in the condition we call, Sensory-Motor Amnesia.

What is “Sensory-Motor Amnesia”?


First, let me touch on the “amnesia” part.

When people first react to injury (cringing in Trauma Reflex), we may, if we pay attention, notice the entire way our movements change from that instant.  The limp is obvious.  The pain is obvious.

However, as with all sensations that persist for sufficient time, those sensations fade.  The change of movement, the change of coordination, fades from our awareness.  We may believe we have recovered from the injury.  However, the changes of movement persist, un-noticed.  Meanwhile, we also have forgotten what it feels like to move freely.  The new, cringe pattern has displaced the free movement we had — and we may not (and often don’t) notice it (except for the pain, which may seem mysterious, or seems to portend some serious disease).  That’s the “amnesia” — a change of muscle/movement memory — and it may persist for decades.

“Sensory-Motor” merely means “the combination of movement and the sensation of that movement”.

So, “Sensory-Motor Amnesia” is the loss of the memory of what free movement feels like (and ability to do it) — and its replacement by altered sensation, movement and coordination.


The “tickle response” allows us to recover awareness of how our movements have changed; it’s a first step to recovery from Sensory-Motor Amnesia, recovery of free movement, comfort, and fitness for activity.

Use it judiciously.  Save yourself some trouble in your assessments and get better results with your clients/patients.

an example of multi-contraction Sensory-Motor Amnesia (article on sciatica)

an example of a clinical somatic education procedure that involves a multi-contraction pandiculation
Notice the moment of “tickle”.


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Mainstreaming Hanna Somatic Education, part 3


Hanna Somatics can perhaps most readily merge into mainstream culture through five cultural streams:

  1. the military (including the Veterans’ Administration Hospitals)
  2. elder care
  3. public education
  4. professional athletics
  5. nurses in standard medical settings

There’s a relation among these five that we will eventually formulate.

For now, I just want to delineate each (the “differentiation”) step;
later, we will fit them together (the “integration”) step.  You may participate.


The Military
Those who most need somatic education in the military are soldiers returning from deployment.  We might expect to see lots of startle reflex, in addition to trauma reflex triggered by wounds.

I envision the Veterans’ Administration bringing somatic education in, at first, in a small way, through some personal connections in the VA and “people who know people” (possibly within the medical community) — at first, to handle Trauma Reflex (effects of wounds) after hospitalization and tissue healing,  being a support to the physical therapists, or after discharge from physical therapy.  For PTSD, positive emotional improvements (in the course of dealing with trauma reflex) might “turn a light on” for someone about the “unexpected” potential of somatic education to speed recovery from PTSD.

Elder Care

I envision somatic education in elder care improving the quality of life of seniors — If you can move, you’re alive! — improving movement and balance, reducing the tendency to have a fall, staying mobile longer, getting out of the wheelchair and on to her feet, off the walker, reducing or stopping use of the cane, out and about, physiologically healthier, not needing many drugs needed by the current crop of oldsters, and less reliant on Medicare, Medicaid, and skilled nursing facilities.  Making getting older more about ripening and maturing than about becoming decrepit, feeble, cold and tired, lumbering and ungainly, heavy, sustained by a diet of drugs, helplessly feeling rotten and taking that “That’s par for the course.”

Certain movement teachers serving the “senior centers” may be interested about the potential of more potent somatic exercises coming out of our field.

As ever, personal connections might make the difference, and then it’s about the senior centers and their movement teachers communicating with each other, passing the word, having somatic exercises take their place for that age group. 

Might be an easy “in”.

Public Education

For this one, I think the “packaging” may be important.  It may be that packaging somatic education as, “somatic education” might just work.  Just might.

I envision Somatic Education (“S.E.”) in the schools providing a sound foundation for “P.E.”, starting with 3rd grade (8 and 9 year-olds learning simple exercises for somatic awareness), continuing to 5th grade, when students learn and practice somatic exercises in P.E. (yes, I know it sounds rather Scandinavian), through the University years, where students learn both the practices and the principles of somatic education as part of a “well-rounded education” supporting the health of the general population.  Health Education.

In this case, it’s the funny matter of “teaching the teachers”.  The key is to identify and locate master teachers — and by that, I don’t necessarily mean the Principals or The Superintendent.  Master teachers are continuously learning, open, curious as to how what you do fits together with what they do.  They use teaching to educate — to draw forth competence, and they recognize it when they see others do it.  They are educators, not just teachers.

Somatic education, done well, can “bootstrap” public education by waking up and integrating that ‘ol central nervous system.  You know — pandiculation is an action done upon awakening.  Think it could help to educate people into greater awareness of their own state?  Maybe wake up superior perceptual and creative capacities?  Just asking.

Good nutrition (“school lunches” and “university food”) is one arm; neurological grooming (somatic education) is another.  Just a thought.

By the way — what’s the other arm?  Sports!

(Does the ultimate athlete have three arms?)

Professional Athletics
where the money is — and therefore the most guarded

The territoriality of athletics is much like the territoriality of the military.  The difference is that money is involved in pro athletics, making it even more territorial.

Somatics has got to be brought in person-to-person — first by one person or another, and then Somatics has got to get “drafted” by a team. Then watch the fireworks fly.

But first it has to catch someone’s attention.  Maybe “somebody knows somebody”, maybe a massage therapist who already works for the team.  Something like that.

I envision members of professional athletics teams, performance-driven as they are, coming to recognize — from seeing someone they know improve — the advantages of somatic education in training, performance, injury prevention, and recovery from chronic injury.  No athlete should have to retire because of a chronic injury unless joint damage is involved — and not necessarily then.

The competititive nature of pro athletics being what it is, once one team starts (and excels), other teams seem likely to follow.  Get out your stick.

Nurses in Standard Medical Settings

In case you didn’t know it, institutional nursing can be heavy labor under stressful conditions.  Good combination for getting tight.  Then, come the lifting injuries.

What’s a nurse gonna do?  Go to physical therapy, probably.

Now, I’m going to be oblique.  Let us say that someone endures a lifting injury, goes to physical therapy, perhaps explores acupuncture, and still has the pain of injury.  What then?

You get what I’m pointing to.

These are a population who would be grateful for what we offer — and, through them, perhaps word could get to physicians’ assistants, and from there, to physicians who acquire their share of physical complaints.  We could infiltrate the medical profession and help it transform itself from within — understanding that there may be some turbulence from “certain others who see things differently”.  Maybe we could present ourselves as “supporters”.  Or maybe we just serve the nurses.

There is the category of nurses, “holistic nurses” — and they have an association.  Just a thought.


So, we’ve done some differentiation.  I recount them fitting together and one sequence of approach, below. You may see others and compose your own description.

Here’s my question:  How do those five cultural streams interact with each other?

First, my turn.  Then, your turn.  (This could turn into a forum — a sudden thought. Frightening. (or maybe that’s just excitement)


Of these five avenues, I estimate the Military to be the easiest line of approach, given the population of soldiers traumatized, both physically and emotionally, and the relatively low cost of somatic education and the speed of improvements possible with conditions unlikely to resolve fully with standard therapy.

Next, I think, comes elder care.

Natural sympathies exist for both wounded soldiers and the aged, so stories of success, first in P.E. journals and then in sports magazines, would reflect well upon somatic education and it could go “viral”.

The next two avenues are “protected” avenues:  the young and professional athletes.  Both are the claimed “territory” of standard physical education coaching practices and standard “sports medicine”.

A favorable track record (obtained with the first two groups) can bring the credibility needed to reach public education and professional athletics, to get past the “gate-keeping” (and territoriality) of athletic coaches, trainers, and physical education teachers, who are inclined to the usual “strengthening and stretching” indoctrination of P.E. and sports medicine.  People have to want it.

With somatics pervading these five cultural streams, I envision the mass-communications media picking up on the story of “this new discipline” that has brought such benefit to such diverse groups — a “60 Minutes” segment or somesuch.  (Anyone up for that?)

Pilot programs can be the seeds of those possibilities.

My question is, How do we go about it?  How do we get the “gate-keepers” of those four disciplines (public education, the military, professional athletics, and elder care) to bring somatics in, such that it catches on and “goes viral” (spontaneously expands)?

I’m in no position to do all that with the four cultural avenues I have named; I’m mostly into somatic study and development and I’m not “a mainstream kind of guy” — so, of course, I would ask for your help.  I don’t have the relationship connections, and in any case, I’m best at “development”; others are better than I am in other streams of development.  We need connections into each of those streams.  So, here’s where I would appreciate your input and, God willing, your participation.

Here’s a big idea:  In the 60s, John F. Kennedy founded The President’s Council on Physical Fitness.  Calisthenics took over the world, followed closely by isometrics.  We could check the Council’s current status and see if there’s a viable possibility for us to work together, somehow.  or envision a President’s Council on Somatic Education analogous to President Kennedy’s Council on Physical Fitness — and the direction things would have to go for that to happen.

Now, there may be some who say, “It can’t be done.”  It can be done.  The question is, “How?”

And so, still, I need your help.

four capacities “helpful” to mainstreaming somatics.

WHAT YOU CAN DO, NEXT: (options)

  1. Apply to be a featured expert answering questions about pain at  This is not a big deal, other than you have to know what you’re talking about  — or be OK admitting that you don’t.  It just starts you down a runway.  See if you lift off.
  2. Ask your clients to send email to the AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) to send an email message asking that an article about Hanna somatic education be published in the AARP magazine.  The email address to use is: 
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Regrow Cartilage

QUESTION from a reader who asks how to regrow/repair cartilage:
“Hi Lawrence. Do you have any information of how to 1) repair or regrow cartilage in the joints, hips specifically, and 2) how to eliminate bone spurs? I’m having great progress with somatics to improve posture and reduce tension and muscle pain, but I still get a sense of a deeper soreness and also grinding in the joint which feels like it could be from the cartilage wear and spurring that was detected in my joints. Any advice on this? Is it indeed possible? 😉 Thanks!”

To regrow cartilage, you need some cartilage in the joint; the remaining cartilage is the “seed” for regrowth.  Then, you need to remove overcompression by freeing the surrounding musculature

If there’s no cartilage left, I don’t know.

Sometimes, muscular soreness near a joint is mistaken as joint pain. In that case, there’s no need to regrow cartilage.

For hip joints, the muscles involved are the gluteals (see The Cat Stretch Exercises, with a modification of Lessons 1 and 5 for the gluteus medius muscles) and Lesson 3, the adductors, hip joint flexors and psoas muscles (Free Your Psoas), and the deep adductors (obturators)(The Magic of Somatics).

With the pressure removed, cartilage can regrow (slowly). I don’t know the value of chondroitin sulphate for growing cartilage, except that when muscular tension around the joint is high, it’s impossible to regrow cartilage.

As to bone spurs (osteophytes), same thing. Bone spurs grow along the line of pull of chronically tight muscles, at their tendonous attachments.

So, bone spurs and cartilage loss come from the same cause:  muscles held tight over a long period.  Bone spurs can dissolve, and cartilage can regrow, when the cause is removed.

Please also see, “Completing Your Recovery from an Injury”.

in your service,
Lawrence Gold

Mainstreaming Hanna Somatic Education, part 2

What would happen if Somatics went mainstream?

Some people are concerned that we couldn’t meet the demand resulting from mainstream attention and that Hanna somatic education would then, somehow, “look bad”. 

At worst, people would end up on our waiting lists, as they did for Thomas Hanna (who was booked a year in advance when he trained us).  The more people want it, the better it looks.

Another concern is that, if we train too many people, the quality of practitioners may go down, and again, we could “look bad”.

And another concern is that many practitioners are not able to improvise or to handle conditions not well handled through Lessons 1, 2 and 3.  It’s a limitation of “rote learning”, rather than learning with understanding.

Finally, and this may be the biggie:  that if (and when) Hanna somatic education goes viral and gets huge, we will lose control of it and of quality control.

I believe those may be legitimate concerns, and we should consider the trade-offs of this magnitude of success.

One way to handle these considerations is to sort out the best practitioners who are interested in training people and encourage them to train people — and to offer advanced trainings so everyone is up to speed — another one of Thomas Hanna’s stated intentions.  People trained outside of Novato Institute-sponsored trainings would then pay a fee to come be evaluated for competency and certification.  This possibility is workable, if done with integrity and with the intention to succeed.

Serving People on the Waiting List
Many people on a waiting list could adequately be served through an alternate avenue.

That alternate avenue is somatic exercises, which can be learned and taught by people already in place in different sections of mainstream culture, but who do not do clinical somatic education:  movement educators. Instruction can also be broadcast (e.g., “Lillias on Yoga”, on PBS) and it can be mass-published and purchased on distributable media.

Later, I’ll say more about four easiest “mainstream culture” avenues through which somatic education can penetrate.  For now, I’ll say that it involves somatics “going viral”.

Would you like that?


What you can do, right now:

1. Do this procedure to free yourself from both fear of failure and fear of success.  If you’re good to go, you’re good to go; if not, you know where you need training or coaching.

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Full-Spectrum Somatics

There’s a misconception that the field of somatics is about the body and limited to the senses and control of movement.  That misconception leaves people with the view that the mind, or consciousness, is outside the field of somatics and somehow above it.  The loftiness of the mind and all that — or the more pedestrian, “I, the mind, am in the body like a passenger in a single-person vehicle.  Or a bus.”

But this is wrong.

There is no “passenger”, pe se.  The “passenger” is a self-concept made up of various contractions in the soft tissues of the body and various internal, kinesthetic and proprioceptive sensings, felt as the self-sense

The self-sense is a sensation — and generally an irritating one — arising from being aroused and tense in one way or another and so in one or another physiological state.

And that physiological state is like a genius’s artistic expression of the psyche appearing as physiological state.  The physiology is the living expression of what is going on psychically (of and by psyche). The sense of all that is the passenger; the “passenger” is “I”, is soma. 

The passenger is living a fabrication made of memory called, “Life”. The “passenger” is a fabrication — a fabrication of conceptual memory patterns, the reputed owner of memory, a body of living, moving memory — memory enacted in tangible form as physiological activity with a name and a social standing.  Physiology substantiates psychology, it is not a vehicle for it. It is it as the movements of the particle are controlled by the field in which the particle moves.

There are not two: psyche and soma,
from which the redundant term,
“psychosomatic” derives.

“Somatic” is sufficient.

“I” is the body, experienced from within
known as “soma”.

“You” is some body, experienced from outside
known to yourself as, “soma”.

And there you have it.

BUT — never mind.


From the somatic perspective, there are not two, “mind” and “body”, nor is there a mind-body connection.  There is no connection because there are no two to be connected; they are one — and not “fused” into one, but rather two perspectives or views of the same thing.  What people see as body, we feel as the sensations of mind, movement, and the sense of change.  Whether it’s the body thinking or it’s thought that moves as the body they are one and the same, not identical, but identity.

Now, there is a reason that people consider that there are two — “mind” and “body”.  It’s that so much of our bodily processes run on automatic without conscious mental involvement.  The distinguishing word, here, is “conscious”; our involvement with those physiological processes — breathing, balancing, digesting, etc. — occur subconsciously, from deep levels of mind that run the show automatically, unconsciously.  Those things that run on automatic, we consider the body; their very automaticity naturally gives rise to an “other”, not self — the body.  From that springs, “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” and similar sayings.  “The Devil made me do it.” (temptations of the flesh).  Sin.  Uncontrollable Silliness.  Understandable.

But misunderstood.

It’s that so much of what’s going on in us is maintained by memory and by refreshing memory of experiences so they make an imprint on us.  We remember.  But then we forget that we are remembering, while we are remembering.  We remember so well that we act automatically, habitually — with “steering capability” only to the degree that we remember that we are remembering, while we are remembering. Stick with it, Bunky.

To the degree that we forget that we are remembering, to that degree things seem to be running with a life of their own — and hence, the the seeming intractability of “otherness” that makes it seem, “other”.

the body


my body

The Marvellous Machine

But, let us say, everything we experience is memory
and it’s not the memory of a machine.

The “machine” is memory,
memory maintaining itself.

Our senses lag behind what is happening
limited as much by synaptic speed
as by our need for time to recognize anything,
making our experience of All That Is
the experience of the past.

Short-term memory fades,
allowing attention to be refreshed.

Long-term memory lasts and may fade
or it may get stronger.
Long-term memory shapes attention
and also captivates it
so that the tensions of the hour
become the tensions of the day
become the tensions of the week, month or year
placing demands upon the musculature (tension)
the heart
the hormonal/endocrine system (stress chemistry)
the joints (compression)
and the brain (stress depletes brain chemistry) —

Sleep well?


“Nervous Tension” was an apt phrase used in the advertising of decades past for a headache remedy.  Very apt.  Perhaps they had no idea how apt.

Now, they say a similar thing about “Fibromyalgia” — being an “excessive activation of nerves” allll over your bodyWhat’s the inside of fibromyalgia like?  Hmmm?

Mind and body, indeed.

Somatics is more than joints, tendons and flesh.  That’s anatomy, the study of the dead.  Somatics is about how the inner/subjective (“mind”) and outer/observable (“body”) correlate.  Simple enough, when directly observed (not speculated about or analyzed).

How soma manifests as higher reaches of attention become available is a very interesting topic.

At base, however, whatever subtler intuitions or perceptions one may have, they have their correlate in somatic expression.

A couple of clues:


Here’s a little experiment we can do in this moment.  Move a little and notice how you can feel bodily sensations.  Now, sit very still and notice that those sensations disappear.  The sense of “body” is the sense of movement, or of change, in general; the sense of movement (a sensation) creates the body sense. (The basic movements that maintain the body sense are the heartbeat, which sends waves of pulsation through us, and breathing.)

The same applies to mind.  Habits go unnoticed; only things that change get noticed. (The movement of attention is the basic movement of mind without which the mind subsides and disappears.)

The difference between “mind” and “body” is a matter of content.  The principles of experience are the same: we notice change and don’t notice no-change (unless attention moves to notice).  That’s because “mind” and “body” are one and the same, the difference being a matter of experiential content.

That said, we can say the next thing:  the principles governing change and development, whether of mental content or of physical sensations, are the same.

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Got a Limp? not limp

Well, if ever there was a misnomer, it’s the word, “limp” — as in “Got a limp?”

you know — a movement impediment

Got a limp?  Use a walker or cane?  Think it’s because you’re aging?

I’ve got news for you.  It’s not aging.  It’s the accumulated stress patterns of a lifetime.  You’re not “old”; you’re in the grip of your life experience.   You’re tight and it’s your muscular tightness that makes you stiff.

The word, “limp” is completely wrong.  If you have a limp, it’s not because your muscles are limp, but because they are extraordinarily tight — not limp — pulling you down from upright posture and free movement.  You’re not limp; your muscles are not stiff.

Injuries and stress cause people to tighten up.  It’s a nervous reaction below the level of control, one that commonly lasts for decades.

It’s a common feature among the aged and among the not-so-aged.

I’ll get right to the point:

Ready to take back your life?

Better start somatic education — education for the place where so many people are ignorant — their own bodily existence.  Get educated — not mentally, but bodily.

Extraordinary, isn’t it, that people — doctors and therapists included — are ignorant of their own workings.

Something as simple as a yawn, when applied in novel ways, frees us from the grip of muscular contractions that cause people to limp.  Somatic exercises make use of the Whole Body yawn to get people with a limp to straighten up and stand on their own two feet, again.

Two or three practice sessions of somatic exercises — or one clinical somatic education session — cause improvements that might take six months of standard therapy.

It’s a matter of doing the right thing for your condition.

Wonder where to go from here?

Ask.  Click here.
or read the article on aging
or send for the information packet (a lot of information).

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Why Your Feet Hurt You | – or – | Zee Foot Pad of Your Foot — The Support of Your Sole

I will tell you a little story about Zee Footpad.  You will like it.  It’s about your foot, both of them.

Zee Footpad is the tootsie of the foot — the soft part that makes contact with the ground.  It’s not a device that you install in your shoe.

It’s next to “the ball of your foot” (big toe joint) under the weight-bearing arch of the foot, which consists of the big toe and the two neighboring toes, which together form a heel-to-toes arch.  It’s a soft cushion for bearing weight on that arch.

Soft is important.  We like soft.

But more importantly, Nature likes soft.

A nice, soft pad makes it pleasant to tread upon the earth.  It’s good for the physiology, good for the psychology.

And yet.

Some of us have hard, bony feet that hurt as we tread upon the earth, feet that meet the ground on-edge (literally — turned so that weight goes through the inner or outer edges more than through the proper weight-bearning center), feet that are stiff, but painful.  These so-called, “tender tootsies”, so misnamed, are tough tootsies.  Yes.  Tough, but sore.

Tough tootsies would feel much more comfortable if they rested on zee footpad and were otherwise less hard on themselves.

But there is more riding on the foot than just the foot, yes there is.  Because what affects the foot (both of them) affects everything else above the foot (both of them), balancing like a Toppling Towers Act, namely, you.

Because Zee Footpad is so important, our internal balancing system reads how weight is passing through Zee Footpad and adjusts everything, accordingly.  The Toppling Towers Act goes higgledy-piggledy and looks like bad posture — the slumping stooper, the short leg leaner, the slovenly slob, the awkward walker, the clumsy lumberer.  You get the picturer.

An “ooch” factor may cause us to shift weight off Zee Footpad — and that is unfortunate, when it happens, because it leads to the postural changes mistakenly thought to result from “aging” and to feet that ache.  And ache.

We are so sensitive to Zee Footpad that putting too much weight on it, or off-center weight, changes the shape of our spine.  Most of our weight (about 61.8%) is over our heel, about 33% through Zee Footpad, and the rest goes through our outer arch (outer 2 toes).  A weight distribution other than that makes us unstable, off balance, and slow.  You can see it in the wear pattern of your shoes.

Wanna know?  Try it yourself. Stand up and come to steady balance, or the steadiest balance you can.  Now, sway forward over your feet.  Notice that your back-curve deepens.  They call that, “swayback” (not to be confused with zweiback, which is a Swiss cracker).  Sway your hips around in circles.  Feel how your spine changes shape.  Get it?

Zee footpad is situated right in the center of the main weightbearing arch of the foot.  When we stand with our weight through it and our heel (33% / 61.8%), the rest of us likes it.  We tend to straighten up, which means we come out of excessive curves, while maintaining flexibility.

Tight hamstrings often cause a twist of the lower leg at the knee, which, in turn, changes the position of the foot and how weight goes through the foot.

Tight lower leg muscles cause the foot to rock to the inner or outer edge, putting us on edge.

Tight back muscles cause our weight to sway forward over the fronts of the feet, making them tired, sore and tired.

Tight abs also cause our weight to sway forward.


Tight side muscles or uneven hips cause our weight to sway to the side, making us turn our foot out to provide a wider base of support, so that when we walk, too much force goes through our big-toe-joint, leading to bunions.  Yes, bunions.  They’re from how you walk.

So orthotics are not the answer to foot problems.  They may “bring the ground up to the foot” in exotic, odd ways, as if you’re walking on a hill, but they don’t correct the problem or direct weight properly through Zee Footpad.

Here’s a little exercise that can correct some foot problems.  Use it to straighten your feet and to direct weight through Zee Footpad.

Here’s a little pair of exercises to free your hamstrings.  You may know something about hamstrings — and there’s something more.  Free hamstrings preserve your knees.  Read the article.

Finally, to correct sway back, you may do this program (there’s a “preview” link on that page).  If you don’t correct swayback, the front of your feet have too much burden, and your feet get tired — and there’s nothing you can do to your feet that corrects the problem.  Correct your swayback.

Other exercises are needed to correct the tightness variations named above.  You’ll need to ask  to find out which one(s).  (Click “ask”.)

Don’t just sit there.  Step on it.


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Until Attention Steadies . . . | A Simple Way to Potentize Somatic Education

This entry is about a simple technique for potentizing somatic exercises (and clinical pandiculation maneuvers).

In the recorded instructional programs I offer, I’ve put an instruction to “hold the moment of contraction long enough for the sensation of it to surface.”  The purpose of this instruction is to get people to put attention in what they’re doing — the basis of all learning — somatics being a learning practice for modifying dysfunctional patterns in the direction of health or soundness.

More recently, I remembered an instruction I gave to people I was teaching, years ago, that produces more profound results than merely waiting for sensation to surface.  The instruction is, “hold the contraction until attention steadies.”

I forgot this instruction because, in my own practice, for myself, this is how I naturally operated.  It never occurred to me that people need explicit instruction to steady their attention.

But it makes sense, doesn’t it?

To steady attention is a major missing link in all public education.  It’s sort of “hoped for”, but never explicitly taught.

So now, I am explicitly teaching it.

Any time you are practicing an exercise from a program of mine, hold the contraction phases of exercises until your attention steadies appreciably — meaning you can detect the steadying.

This action of steadying attention potentizies any somatic exercise and complements the variation of The Diamond Penetration Pandiculation Technique.  (That technique, itself, potentizes somatic exercises by focusing memory, making it possible to change deeply habituated patterns of tension and movement that have been unaffected or minimally affected by standard practice of somatic exercises.)

The Diamond Penetration Pandiculation Technique (so-named because it’s like a diamond-bit used to drill into rock) potentizes somatic exercises.  Getting attention to steady potentizes The Diamond Penetration Technique.

Test it with any somatic exercise you do.  Hold contractions until attention steadies, then slowly relax to complete relaxation.

The ‘proof’ of the ‘pudding’ is in the ‘eating’.

Back Pain
Psoas Muscle Pain
General, Pain-Free Movement Health
Higher Integration to Enhance All Other Programs

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